Most of us remember the lunch ladies from school. The nice ladies that
made sure we ate well but in this case looks like they had other things
going on. If you can't trust the lunch ladies, who can you trust?
Two sisters who worked in the cafeterias of two New Canaan schools are
accused of stealing nearly half a million dollars from the cafeterias
over a five-year span, according to New Canaan police.
Police arrested 67-year-old Marie Wilson, of Wilton, and 61-year-old
Joanne Pascarelli, of Stratford, over the weekend.
The investigation started on Dec. 21 when the New Canaan Board of
Education filed a complaint with the New Canaan Police Investigative
Section about the handling of cash at the Saxe Middle School cafeteria
and the New Canaan High School cafeteria, according to police.
Investigators monitored both cafeterias, conducted around 20 interviews,
examined financial records and identified the two suspects, police said.