On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 3:43:41 PM UTC-5, notbob wrote:
> On 8/16/2018 12:10 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> > Do you smoke the Meshmacon, Cheri?
> ????????
> Do you mean Michoacan?
> That stuff is ancient history. So many better "medicinal" strains of
> cannabis sativa are now available, I haven't even heard of Michoacán
> --let alone seen any-- in decades. 
> nb
I saw a thing I think on Vice News about cannabis growers who were going to the regions where some of these older legendary great cannac=bis buds had been fgrown years ago and going out into the mountains looking for old surviving strains of them! Like the REAL original Columbian Gold and others. To bring them back and make new hybrids with them!!
It's an exciting time to be alive! :-)
John Kuthe...