OT mentioning cannabis in the newsgroup
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jinx the minx
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Posts: 1,663
OT mentioning cannabis in the newsgroup
> wrote:
> On Friday, August 17, 2018 at 9:03:20 AM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
>> On Friday, August 17, 2018 at 8:43:20 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>>> I use an ad blocker so I don't get any ads targeted to me and I use Windows
>>> 10.
>> Windows 10? Boy, MicroSUCKS really BAITED you, and YOU BOUGHT IT!!
>> ROFL!! Hook, line and KITCHEN SINK!!!
>> John Kuthe..
> At least _I_ know how to operate my laptop and you stated yourself
> "Macs are NOT FOR COMPUTER ENGINEERS to use! They are for the STUPID
> to use!" And you own one but can't figure it out so I guess that makes
> you stupid. Your own words. You still can't figure out how to get measly
> little old pictures on or off your laptop. I would say you're the one
> that was baited and you bought it but still can't figure out how it
> operates. You've got all those smart Indians at your place, get one of
> them to show how to operate you Mac.
> Glory be!! I stated all that without once using capital letters like
> a rank newbie to get my point across. The only capitals I used were at
> the beginning of my sentences and to quote your ravings.
> Give it up, you're a legend in your own mind.
I think its hilarious he continues to use it and complain endlessly about
it, despite being able to go out and buy one that he thinks would work for
an engineer, especially considering he classifies himself as €śwell monied€ť
now. Maybe Macs really are for the €śstupid€ť to use. Hes their poster
child. LOL
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jinx the minx
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