OT mentioning cannabis in the newsgroup
"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
> On Friday, August 17, 2018 at 9:02:16 AM UTC-5, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> ...
>> Excuses, excuses. Man up or shut up.
>> Cindy Hamilton
> Wha? THAT is ****ING SEXIST AS SHIT!! :-(
> Man up? How about WOMAN UP? Feel the difference?
> Some grocery checker lady and my mom were having a conversation about my
> hurt feelings as a very small child, and the checker lady said something
> like "He's got to learn to roll with the punches"!!!
> **** THAT!!! That is the EVIL in your species rising up!
> Oh, I have LEARNED how to roll with the punches alright!!! Take your best
> shot!
> Like water off a duck's back!!
filth deleted
> John Kuthe...
You need a time out John.