Tip - Or Else...!!!
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"Peter Aitken" > wrote in news:s251d.1750$n%
> "Dog3" <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in message
> 4...
>> "<RJ>" >
>> :
>> >
>> > I'm not a business tax expert, but
>> >
>> > it would seem that
>> > if the service charge is a mandatory fee,
>> > then it would be taxable income to the business.
>> >
>> > And if the business isn't reporting it.......
>> >
>> >
>> > If the "service charge" is a tip,
>> > then its payment should be optional.
>> >
>> > How do you legally enforce payment of a tip ?
>> >
>> > <rj>
>> Theft of services.
> But a tip is by definition voluntary.
What really frosts me is the "tip cup" or jar or whatever, that one finds
at the register in places like coffee shops, donut shops, etc., where all
the clerk (I hestitate to say "server") did was pour a beverage or fill a
container with food and hand it to you. What the hell should they be
tipped for? All they did was their job, no less.
Wayne in Phoenix
unmunge as w-e-b
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
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