On Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:58:13 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message ...
>On 8/25/2018 9:03 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>> **** that! I want to be a TEAM, me and a woman working and playing well
>> together, as EQUALS, maybe with our specialities of effort, but ALWAYS
>> EQUAL!!
>> John Kuthe...
>My wife and I were/are a team. I went to a job and earned money but she
>had the more difficult part of taking care of two kids and the house.
>She helped out at the school too.
>Just as baseball teams have pitchers and catchers, we had our
>specialties and overlaps.
>Our together time was very satisfactory too.
Some people are not so fortunate though. In some marriages
>these days, both need to work to bring enough home to live.
Especially after the Brexit