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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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On 2018-08-29 4:27 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:

> Everybody's different. You couldn't pay me to live in Florida. Sheldon's
> winters are a little too cold for me. I wouldn't want to give up May and
> October in Michigan, when the weather is comfortably cool and dry. Nor
> would I want to entirely forego the cold of winter and heat of summer.
> I appear to live in the ideal place for me. Luckily, I was born here.

I imagine that Sheldon's winter is similar to yours and mine. I am in
the middle of the Niagara Peninsula. Winters are not terrible harsh. We
get the odd cold snap, but most of the winter hovers around 20F. We get
enough snow to make it look less dismal. I think the nice days in
September and October are the best of the year.

I have no interest in living further north. There is some truth to the
saying about it being a dry cold so you don't notice it as much, but
when it is that cold it is too cold to have moisture in the air. I spent
a week and half in Winnipeg one December and it was -40. That is
horrible cold. We start getting heat alerts when it is in the 80s.

There is a lot to be said for living in a moderate climate with four