rfc post of the week...
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Hank Rogers[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,037
rfc post of the week...
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:40:58 -0500, Hank Rogers >
> wrote:
>>> On Mon, 27 Aug 2018 11:15:08 -0700 (PDT), Nancy2
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Cindy, we didn't have that singular flood experience because of a high water was water
>>> >from rain ... When the ground got saturated after a few days of continuing torrential downpours, the ground
>>>> became super-saturated and water didn't have any place to go. if the flooding had been because of a
>>>> high water table, like being on bottomland or too near a river, creek or lake, I would be eligible
>>>> for flood insurance, according to what the insurance people told me. But I am not.
>>>> I am at an elevation such that the builders thought there was no reason to install underground drainage pipe
>>>> around the foundation when we built the house. This area was farmland before it was developed into
>>>> Residential neighborhoods.
>>>> N.
>>> I'm on farmland/bottomland, 70 years ago when these houses
>>> were built they installed French drains... the houses were built on
>>> the highest points and before the water table rises under the house
>>> the French drain directs it away to a lower point. Here that water
>>> drains by a six inch pipe to a creek some 100' away. There's a large
>>> grate in my basement floor covering a pit that connects to that French
>>> drain pipe. The water from the dehumidifier, the RO water filter the
>>> deep sink, and the washing machine in the basement all drain into that
>>> pit and that grey water flows to the creek.
>> Would yoose approve of jewish or asian or african drains?
> If they had big bazooms... I don't care about a woman's ethnicity, I
> don't even see skin color on women, that's not what my eyes focus on.
> Yoose know those Arby's ads, where do you think my mind goes when I
> hear WE HAVE THE MEAT? I'm thinking drop those cannons on me!
So, tell me Popeye ... Why did yoose marry a woman with size C cup ?
It sho ain't big bazooms.
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Hank Rogers[_2_]
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