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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 8/29/2018 4:19 PM, Druce wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Sounds like Florida is not a habital place for anything but
>>>>>>>>> flamingos
>>>>>>>>> and gaters... there's only swamp water
>>>>>>>> If I had to choose between Florida and upstate NY or whatever it's
>>>>>>>> called, I'd pick Florida. It might not be unlike where I live now.
>>>>>>> Can you spell L I A R?
>>>>>> Are you saying I'd choose New York state? Maybe in summer.
>>>>> Why in summer?
>>>> A bit warmer?
>>> OK, people that can try to escape the heat and humidity as far as I
>>> know,
>>> which isn't much about NY.

>> I'd want to escape the winters and autumns of where Sheldon lives. I'd
>> be happy to pay for that with a bit too much heat and humidity. Like
>> in Florida or where we live now.

> Mid September to November are very nice in NY State and most places at
> that latitude. Mid December to mid March is cold, dark, even depressing
> for some.

I'm a winter person, never depressing to me.
