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On Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:23:51 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >

>On Tue, 28 Aug 2018 18:17:49 -0400, wrote:
>>On Mon, 27 Aug 2018 11:15:08 -0700 (PDT), Nancy2
> wrote:
>>>Cindy, we didn't have that singular flood experience because of a high water was water
>>>from rain ... When the ground got saturated after a few days of continuing torrential downpours, the ground
>>>became super-saturated and water didn't have any place to go. if the flooding had been because of a
>>>high water table, like being on bottomland or too near a river, creek or lake, I would be eligible
>>>for flood insurance, according to what the insurance people told me. But I am not.
>>>I am at an elevation such that the builders thought there was no reason to install underground drainage pipe
>>>around the foundation when we built the house. This area was farmland before it was developed into
>>>Residential neighborhoods.

>>I'm on farmland/bottomland, 70 years ago when these houses
>>were built they installed French drains... the houses were built on
>>the highest points and before the water table rises under the house
>>the French drain directs it away to a lower point. Here that water
>>drains by a six inch pipe to a creek some 100' away. There's a large
>>grate in my basement floor covering a pit that connects to that French
>>drain pipe. The water from the dehumidifier, the RO water filter the
>>deep sink, and the washing machine in the basement all drain into that
>>pit and that grey water flows to the creek.

>So, you're draining waste water into a live creek. Nice. Sheldon the
>polluter and destroyer of nature.

Grey water doesn't pollute. Gray water is what people collect from
their roof to water plants, it contains insects and lots of bird
poop... excellent organic fertilizer. Do you really think birds and
other critters don't poop on farmland... and the imbeciles pay more
for what they perceive to be organic... all that farm equipment is
diesel. that's definitely NOT organic.
RO waste water contains minerals, the minerals from my well water,
same as what's in the creek anyway.
Modern Laundry soaps biodegrade, no different from critter poop in the
creek. People have been scrubbing clothes in the rivers since
I'm not dumping petro distillates, heavy metals, radio active
materials, or any toxins. The health departments and other agencies
are very aware of grey water dumping in bodies of running water in
rural areas, not nearly enough concentration to have any negative
affect whatsoever. That creek eventually flows to the Hudson River,
now that's polluted with all kinds of industrial waste, if anything
our bit of grey water helps dilute that filthy river water.

in the creek