On Tue, 28 Aug 2018 18:53:21 -0500, Hank Rogers >
>tert in seattle wrote:
>> writes:
>>> On Mon, 27 Aug 2018 16:18:17 -0300, wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 27 Aug 2018 08:03:47 -0700 (PDT), "
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 6:31:16 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
>>>>>> On Sun, 26 Aug 2018 08:06:05 -0700 (PDT), "
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> On Saturday, August 25, 2018 at 9:46:19 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
>>>>>>>> I hope there's a basement otherwise it's like living in the
>>>>>>>> garage.... I would never live in a house on a slab, a double wide
>>>>>>>> trailer up on blocks is better, at least it's off the ground. I don't
>>>>>>>> consider a house on a slab a house, it's a barn.
>>>>>>> Houses with basements in Florida are as scarce as hens teeth. Here's
>>>>>>> a hint: sandy soil.
>>>>>> Sandy soil costs less to excavate.
>>>>> Maybe so, but you've got to constantly battle the sand caving in upon
>>>>> itself while digging out a basement. To thwart that problem gunite is
>>>>> used. Then you have to make sure there is no seepage from ground water
>>>>> since the water table is so high.
>>>>> Most people moving to Florida are trying to downsize and having a base-
>>>>> ment just encourages more junk to be stored. I have a daylight basement,
>>>>> aka a dugout, that is accessed from within the house. My water heater is
>>>>> down there along with my gas furnace which is suspended from the ceiling.
>>>>> I haven't been down there for a year and have no intention of going down
>>>>> there anytime soon. The only benefit, for me, of having a basement is
>>>>> it provides a place for those two appliances.
>>>> If you had a sump pump in Florida the damn thing would be running
>>>> nearly all the time.
>>> Not all that long ago most of Florida was below sea level, now it's
>> oh FFS
>You know damn well the only reasonable place to live is in NY. *ANY
>OTHER* location is worse than death.
>It's like RO water filters ... all water is poisonous without RO filtering.
>When are yoose gonna learn ... *POPEYE KNOWS EVERYTHING*
Not true... what little I know I know well but there're many more
topics I know little to nothing about. Don't ask me about movies,
music (except for Oldies and Doo Wop), and especially don't ask me
about sporting events, most especially don't ask me about ball games,
I know a little about old timey baseball from once being a devout
Dodger fan (seems I did have religion), but when my bums deserted
Ebbets Field and of all places moved to californicationia to me that
was the day baseball died. I know nothing about basket ball,
football, and hokey, or is that hockey? My ball game, I can shoot a
pretty good game of pool, I played a lot of hooky, or is that hockey,
in NYC pool halls... I think they made a movie about me played by The
Great One. As for bowling, I'm the gutter ball champ, only reason to
find me at bowling alleys is many in NYC were also a fine pool hall,
profits from bowlers paid for the finast slate pool tables. And
bowling alleys featured females, girls bowl, no wimmins in real pool
halls... how can a guy concentrate on a shot with titties in his face?
The ball games I did know were stick ball and stoop ball, box ball,
even hit the stick/penny. I knew all the NYC street games. potsy.,
skelly, and many others. as a preteen through teenage years my best
friend was a tomboy, Sydele Elkin was my roller skating partner at
Park Circle, the rink at Prospect Park, we'd skate dance every
Saturday. Sydele was very good at all the boy's game, in fact better
than most. It wasn't until we both reached 14 years old that
I noticed that she's a girl, and she noticed I was a guy. But being
besties the most we did was a little necking/kissing, I never even
felt her bosoms and she grew a good sized pair. She lived across the
street and so that was the school boundry, we went to different
schools so grew apart. I don't know what happened to her, I even
searched on line but nothing, like most girls she married and changed
her name.
Sydele was my bike riding partner too, we pedaled all over NYC
together. And she was one tough chick, she knew how to fight, I pity
the guy who'd mess with her. We grew up together. I miss her.
She had two brothers, I can't find Bert and Alan Elkin either, least
not the right ones. I tried to locate Sydele a few times over the
years but no luck, We were both ten years old when we met, that was
65 years ago. I'd just like to know if she's alive and well. If
she's in need of anything I would help her, I truly miss her.
If I could I'd pass a law that girls can't change their name when they
marry... I can't understand why women get to change their name when
they marry, that makes no sense whatsoever to me... it's like when
women marry they die. That's like when American women marry they
are autimatically converted to being mooslim. I think in America
women should keep their birth name for their entire life, otherwise
women become chatel. Makes no sense that women do that hyphenated BS.
keep your birth name the same as men, otherwis you are lower than
human. When I see women with hyphenated names I think insects, larva.