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Ophelia[_16_] Ophelia[_16_] is offline
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Default rfc post of the week...

Hank wrote:

"Hank Rogers" wrote in message news
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-08-29 5:44 PM, nymshifting Tuco Salamanca wrote:
>>> Excuse the hell out of me not quoting the entire 5 previous posts. Only
>>> a fool would not realize the single carets were the part attributed to
>>> Ed. Feel free to fit the bill.

>> Just quote correctly, it's really not hard. If you remove someone's
>> text, also remove the attribution line. If you remove the attribution
>> line, also remove the text.

> Enjoy your time in there with your other names.

I see that type of misquote often, and just figure that I can't see who
got snipped.

The only posts that are really confusing is Ophelia ... I can't figure
who said what! I guess her newsreader is a strange one.


Sorry, I don't really know what to do about it. I see chevrons of others
but not the one to which I am responding. which is why I make ==== between
them and my response.. From what I can see, I am not the only one who has
to do that. I have noticed though that when my posts are shown, the name of
the previous poster is often missed.

As you see I have added your name, just in case. I will try to remember to
do that, sorry