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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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On 8/30/2018 8:34 AM, Cheri wrote:

>> We don't have to change our name if we don't want to. It's our choice.

> =======
> But...Sheldon wants to "pass a law that girls can't change their name,"
> talk about trying to control everything.
> Cheri

Choice is good. Friend kept her married name after divorce because it
was easier in life to have a short easy to spell/pronounce than a long
Polish one that very few people can figure out.

I also have know a couple of young girls that would dreamily practice
writing their first name with future husband's surname
Still, the matter of a wife taking a husband’s surname didn’t surface in
English common law until the ninth century, when lawmakers began to
consider the legalities surrounding personhood, families, and marriage.
Thusly (as they would say), the doctrine of coverture emerged – and
women were thereafter considered “one” with their husbands and therefore
required to assume the husband’s surname as their own.

Under the concept of coverture, which literally means “covered by,”
women had no independent legal identity apart from their spouse.
Actually, this “coverage” began upon the birth of a female baby – who
was given her father’s surname – and could only change upon the marriage
of that female, at which point her name was automatically changed to
that of her new husband.