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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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> wrote in message
> On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 10:18:59 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>>On 2018-08-31 6:40 AM, wrote:
>>>>> I have relatives that live in Saskatchewan, they come here though.
>>>> I know Australians who are about to go to Saskatchewan for a holiday.
>>>> When they've told Canadians friends, the Canadians didn't understand
>>>> what on earth there is to see in Saskatchewan.
>>> They'll be surprised. I love how the lands rolls on forever and they
>>> have some of the loveliest skies. I wonder if those Canadians had
>>> ever been there. I've been three times in traversing the country by
>>> car and each time loved that aspect of Saskatchewan.

>>I have not been Saskatchewan but I have several friends there.
>>Correction... are from there. They left. It is a big area and the
>>scenery is diverse. Most people find the prairies boring, especially
>>the really flat part. There is an old joke about a guy ins Saskatchewan
>>watching his dog run away for three days.

> It's a myth!!! The prairies are not flat, they are undulating and
> when the wheat is grown a slight breeze makes it reminiscent of an
> ocean. That topped with a never ending sky, with little puff ball
> clouds plus the unusual lack of trees, makes for very different
> scenery.

My relatives love it there.
