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On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 16:20:57 -0400, wrote:

>On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 03:32:43 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>>On Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 4:50:14 PM UTC-4, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> On 8/30/2018 4:21 PM,
>>> > On Thursday, August 30, 2018 at 3:11:12 PM UTC-5, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> That's why I love the long hoses at Costco, it doesn't matter
>>> >> which side I pull in.
>>> >>
>>> >> I also love sitting listening to the radio in the cool or warm
>>> >> air while someone else worries about my gas cap situation, but
>>> >> that's another topic.
>>> > I honestly don't know if the hose would have reached to the far side
>>> > of the vehicle or not. My first inclination was to move to another
>>> > pump with the gas door within easy reach of the hose.
>>> I understand older gas stations but when they are renovated, why
>>> not get the long hoses so people don't have to jockey around to
>>> one side or another?

>>Safety. It makes it less likely that they'll be run over, and less
>>likely that someone will drive off with the nozzle still in the
>>filler tube.
>>I can't figure out why manufacturers put the filler anywhere but
>>the driver's side.
>>> > (Sigh) Everywhere I get gas I have to pump my own.
>>> I imagine it's a matter of time until we have to pump our own
>>> as well. It comes up every couple of years.

>>I've been pumping my own gas since the 1970s. Yes, it's a drag
>>doing it in the winter.
>>Cindy Hamilton

>I prefer pumping my own gas. I don't want some moron over filling with
>gas running down the side of my car, ruins the finish

Cars have a finish?

>and having to
>smell gas in the car for a month before it disapates.

Just go to a gas station where the staff aren't drunk.