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On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:27:38 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2018-08-31 12:08 PM, wrote:
>> On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 10:18:59 -0400, Dave Smith

>>> I have not been Saskatchewan but I have several friends there.
>>> Correction... are from there. They left. It is a big area and the
>>> scenery is diverse. Most people find the prairies boring, especially
>>> the really flat part. There is an old joke about a guy ins Saskatchewan
>>> watching his dog run away for three days.

>> It's a myth!!! The prairies are not flat, they are undulating and
>> when the wheat is grown a slight breeze makes it reminiscent of an
>> ocean. That topped with a never ending sky, with little puff ball
>> clouds plus the unusual lack of trees, makes for very different
>> scenery.

>It is not a myth that a great deal of southern Saskatchewan is flat. The
>whole province is not flat, but the most of the south is. Take a
>virtual tour on google maps.

I've driven across a few times, most is flat as a billiard table...
you can drive an entire day and not come to the end of that table.
There are huge tall graineries (painted green) every 17 kilometers,
can see the one you just passed in your rear view mirror sinking into
the curvature of the earth just as the one ahead begins to rise...
just as ships do on the ocean.