rfc post of the week...
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rfc post of the week...
On Sat, 01 Sep 2018 16:02:00 -0300,
>On Sat, 1 Sep 2018 14:13:01 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2018-09-01 11:09 AM,
>>> On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 17:27:38 -0400, Dave Smith
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 2018-08-31 12:08 PM,
>>>>> It's a myth!!! The prairies are not flat, they are undulating and
>>>>> when the wheat is grown a slight breeze makes it reminiscent of an
>>>>> ocean. That topped with a never ending sky, with little puff ball
>>>>> clouds plus the unusual lack of trees, makes for very different
>>>>> scenery.
>>>> It is not a myth that a great deal of southern Saskatchewan is flat. The
>>>> whole province is not flat, but the most of the south is. Take a
>>>> virtual tour on google maps.
>>> I've driven across a few times, most is flat as a billiard table...
>>> you can drive an entire day and not come to the end of that table.
>>> There are huge tall graineries (painted green) every 17 kilometers,
>>> can see the one you just passed in your rear view mirror sinking into
>>> the curvature of the earth just as the one ahead begins to rise...
>>> just as ships do on the ocean.
>>That can't be. Lucretia said that it is a myth.
>>Most people driving through SK are going through the southern part, much
>>of which is flat. You run into rolling hills in other parts, but there
>>is a whole lot of flat.
>Well it wouldn't surprise me that two men might be less observant
>about the scenery.
Because they're too busy doing their nails and looking in the mirror?
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