OT! First of each Month: My Pay Day!!!
On 2018-09-05 10:07 AM, Janet wrote:
> Well we can only go by what babble you post.
> According to you, your dad left 1.5 million dollars, of which you got
> one third, 500,000 USD. Much of which you've already spent; and you
> have no job, no pension, serious medical problems, no insurance, and a
> house that needs an expensive reroofing.
> Give it another year and you'll have ****ed away your entire
> inheritance.
This is an example of the sort of nonsense that goes on when the
mentally unstable fall into money. When Kuthe first started boasting
about his inheritance and his plans to buy his own personal slum I
posted about a similar situation with my cousin, who is bi-polar.
We tried to talk her into letting us set up a trust fund for her so that
she would be able to stay on her disability pension while the trust fund
could be used to buy things for her. She wanted nothing to do with that.
She said that she didn't want to be on that pension and was looking
forward to being independent. She could not wait to get her hands on
that money. She went out and bought a car and then bought a
non-winterized cottage with a wood stove. She basically cut off contact
with my brother and I for trying so hard to make her do the sensible
The car didn't last long, and she lost the property. Now she is back in
the city and had a long hard fight to get her pension restored. The
mentally ill tend not to make good decisions.