>TJ tjbernard writes:
>>Steve Calvin wrote:
>>Interesting post. How much do they charge for one up there?
>If my memory serves me right the regular Burgher is around 3.00
>Canadian (2.35 US appx) and the Big Harv I think is 4.00 Can.
>>The "recipe" sounded good until I got to the "well done" part you lost
>>me. I'll go medium but not well but to each their own.
>I hear you. When I cook a rack shoulder or leg of Lamb, A Beef
>Tenderloin Roast, or Beef Tenderloin Steaks, Rib Eye Steaks, Prime Rib
>Roast.......I cook it as rare as possible......The meat is right there
>in front of you and nobody has messed with it.....at least in terms of
>what you see.....but Hamburgher? .....is basically ground meat that
>can contain all kinds of stuff...... Who knows what is in that
>assortment of meats that make up a hamburgher pattie? I am leary for
>health reasons to eat Burghers rare or medium......Do you eat your
>burghers rare and medium ?
>Even if Loblaws, Presidents Choice Prime Rib Burghers taste somewhat
>like Prime Rib.....and they are delicious......tasting good and being
>delicious with ground meat can be achieved in a lot of ways that might
>not always include elements that are healthy when undercooked......I
>think....That's why I suggested cook the Burgher well done ......just
>to be safe....
So, TJ readily admits that if *knowingly* served a load of shit he'd gladly eat
it so long as it was well cooked. duh
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."