>I read the previous posts on pressure cookers with interest. I have an
>Aeternum (made in Italy) that has no psi settings (in fact I'm not really
>what that is). I just bring it to the point where the weighted valve jiggles
>and emits steam, then turn the heat down for the required number of minutes
>the recipe. The valve then jiggles every few minutes. I haven't tried
>ot anything like that--should I change my way of cooking for those foods?
Lentils cooked ordinarilly on the stove top require no more than 25 minutes...
why would any normal brained person want to risk overcooking something just to
save a couple minutes. I've occasionally considered the home pressure cooker
but have yet to discover even one single positive aspect of owning own...
offers no more utility than an electric knife... well, I take that back...
didja ever try ****ing in an electric knife.
---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."