What's Cooking?
I was sorely disappointed today. Signed up for delivery of an organic
produce box last week. I was pleased that I was allowed to customize it
because I don't need more of what I'm already growing. The company also said
I would save money. I did not. Last week's box contained all good stuff
except... There were no salad type greens offered. Yes, you can put kale in
a salad but I personally think the taste would be overwhelming so I would
use a small amount mixed with other greens. No other greens were offered.
And instead of getting kale, I got rainbow chard which wasn't even listed!
We actually prefer the chard so that was fine.
Today's box left me steamed. By the time it arrived, the business had closed
for the day. I got no kale at all. No nectarines or celery either. I could
have sworn that I had ordered all of these things. Also thought I ordered
yellow potatoes. I did get some but also two very small Russet potatoes. Now
I realize that some potatoes could be served mixed. Such as all waxy ones
but... Russets? Guess I will have to add those to soup. Also two cucumbers
that I don't think I ordered. I still have most of the one I ordered last
Bottom line, I had to change my plans for dinner. Was going to make a bean
and kale soup unless I got the chard again and I even had a backup plan in
case I got those.
I did get some lovely fennel that I will roast. Rainbow carrots that are
horribly dirty and had the tops on. I don't like paying for the tops. Got
tons of beets with no tops. I did order beets but not nearly that many. The
gardener's goats will be getting the fennel and carrot tops and some of the
beets. I am roasting the bigger beets to make a salad with for tomorrow.
Will have either feta or goat cheese (whatever is cheaper), walnuts and some
red onion. I ordered onions not knowing what kind I might get. Red are
probably my least favorite but they'll go well in this salad. Also some baby
spinach (will have to buy). Balsamic type dressing.
The worst thing is they have designed the website so that there is no way to
go back to see what I ordered, what the individual prices are, and there is
no packing slip. They could easily substitute something cheaper or leave
something out and people might not notice. The stuff all comes loose in the
box and they had a very limited selection of stuff to choose from.
So... I canceled my subscription, wrote a complaint to them and signed up
again for Full Circle Farms. I liked them but they used to only allow you to
make a certain number of changes and we kept getting fruit that nobody
wanted. Now the box is totally customizable. You just have to spend at least
as much as what you signed up for to begin with. And you have to watch what
you add to the box. They sell all sorts other things like bread, meat and
jam and those can be pricey. I also hope the listed price of $4.15 for a
single bell pepper was a mistake! Winco had non-organic ones for 45 cents
each two weeks ago or so. Granted they were small but I'd do without a
pepper before I paid that price!
Now to figure out tomorrow's dinner. Will be mostly roasted stuff. The beet
salad, sweet potato fries (baked), probably the roasted fennel. Need to come
up with some kind of meat to go with.
And tonight's dinner? Okay, yesterday's since it's already past midnight...
Some chicken cut in small pieces and pan fried in olive oil mixed with brown
rice, peas and gravy. I ate something else. I would not have had a problem
eating that. It's just that due to blood sugar issues, I needed to eat
sooner than it was done. I just got feedback from the gardener. He said it
was very good!
What's cooking out your way?