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Lewis Perin
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(bruce) writes:

> Lewis Perin > wrote in message >...
> >
(bruce) writes:
> >
> > > When you read an article that says there is so much caffeine (or
> > > antioxidant, or whatever) in a cup of tea, does that mean a
> > > serving of leaf or does that mean in a cup of the liquor?

> >
> > I'm sure they mean a cup of the liquor.
> >

> You're sure? That just doesn't make sense to me. There is no
> way there is that much caffeine (or polyphenol etc..) in one
> teaspoon of green tea leaf.

Sorry, I'm confused now. There's no way there is *how much* caffeine
in a teaspoon of leaf?

> In that same literature we read that black tea has more caffeine
> than green, but most people re-steep green tea many more times than
> black (at least as far as I know, I really only drink green tea so
> some black tea drinkers out there feel free to correct me) so the
> green tea drinkers would be getting TONS while the black tea
> drinkers would get less.

What I've seen of that literature suffers from a lack of clarity and
uniformity as to exactly what was done to yield the liquor they
measured. But I wouldn't exclude the possibility that 5 minutes of
boiling leaves (typical for black) might yield more caffeine than 3
short, relatively cool steeps (of green.)

Lew Perin /