USPS surprise
On 2018-09-18 6:54 PM, graham wrote:
>>> Varies by location.Â* I get very good service.Â* The Smart Post can add
>>> a day if the shipper uses it.Â* Deliveries do come later here though,
>>> about 4PM.
>> Canadian mail service depends on location too. When my son lived in
>> Montreal cards and letters often took as much as 10 days to be
>> delivered, and we were only about 500 miles apart. Around the same
>> time, cards I sent from Denmark arrived within 2-3 days.
> I have nothing good to say about the lousy service given by Canada Post.
I have had some interesting dealings with them. In one case, someone
came around doing some sort of safety inspection and notified me that
there was a low hanging branch that represented some sort of threat to
the person who delivers my male. My male box is across the street from
my house and the tree is on town property. There is nothing I can do
about it. Moreover, trucks go up and down this road all day long. The
branch posed no danger to them so I doubt that it was much of a threat
to the person in a car that delivers by mail.
The stranger incident was the time I moved my mail box back 6". It had
been struck and knocked down several times, so when I put it back up I
moved it back 6". Then I didn't get any mail. I always get a bunch of
stuff on Wednesdays, so when Wednesday rolled around and I didn't get
the town's weekly paper and the usual flyers I called the local post
office. Apparently my mail delivery had been suspended because the mail
box was too far from the road.
My next question was where it had to be. She couldn't really tell me.
She said that it had to be in the line of traffic. I argued that one
because in my head, that means on the road. There had to be an standard
height and distance from the road, but she did not know what it was. It
was curious that they could suspend my delivery because they mail box
was in the wrong place, but they could not tell me that proper place. It
should be noted that they actually had a brochure with that information
at the post office, and, as it turned out mine was within the designated
height and distance.
My next question was why they had not notified me. She said they had.
They sent me a letter. WTF????? They sent me a letter to tell me that
my mail delivery had been suspended. Sure enough, when I went into town
and picked up my mail there was a letter telling me that my delivery had
been suspended. The sad part was that they did not see the humour in
their having sent me a letter telling me that they were not delivering
the letter then sent me.
I had a little fun with them last month when they left a notice warning
me that I had to have my name and street number clearly posted on my
mail box. The form had my name and street address and was left in my
mail box, so if they could not read my name and number, how in hell did
they know it was my box they put their letter in?