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>"kilikini" writes:
>Okay, can someone PLEASE tell me what's so different between Harvey's and
>let's say Burger King or Jack in the Box? I went to their website, but it's
>not informative as to what goes on what burger or anything.

All you really need to know is that they're all of the same fercocktah Mystery

Didja know that it wasn't too many years ago when there was no prepared/canned
pet food, the family pet ate table scraps, and there was no mystery meat; folks
ground their own, or patronized a local independant butcher where one chose the
piece of meat thay disired to be ground and the grinder was right there on the
counter in full view. Many years passed before folks began trusting commercial
pet food enough (fools) to make its producers have viable companys. Today pet
food is a HUGE industry but those who genuinely care about their pets (and
there really aren't all that many) would not consider feeding them anything
they themselves wouldn't eat, nor would they send them off to eat filth (and
worse) to some stinkin' kennel to be traumatized. Anyone who will consume
mystery meat burgers is in fact eating nothing better than canned pet food.

Why folks so strongly resist grinding meat themselves, a task no more difficult
than scrambling an egg, is something I cannot fathom, other than that they are
total pinheads, and without any doubt whatsover can't cook a whit... yoose who
cook mystery meat I don't want to eat anything you cook... yer a filthy dirty

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