Cheri wrote:
> "Hank Rogers" > wrote in message
> news
>> I was pretty poor growing up, and we usually bought sliced loaf bread
>> at the "day old" store of a local bakery (sunbeam or colonial brands),
>> and kept it in the fridge. It was very cheap compared to the same
>> branded bread at the grocery stores, and often no more than a day or
>> two older.
>> They had those damn junk cakes too, and they *never* go bad, what with
>> all the chemical preservatives. Ma would let us have a few. You
>> couldn't tell the difference from a fresh one bought at the fanciest
>> stores.
> My mom always bought the day old, something like 4 loaves for a dollar
> back then. There were a lot of us, so it saved money. We ate what was
> served...period!
> Cheri
It was probably less than that in my childhood. I remember buying moms
cigarettes for 30 cents or less, and later, when I was old enough to
drive, gasoline was about 25 cents.
That's how life was then, and I didn't have a problem with it, and I
still don't today.
We were never forced to eat anything, but if we didn't want the food we
could walk away. Sometimes, if I wasn't very hungry, I would only eat
till I was full. We were never punished for that.