Thread: USPS surprise
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Default USPS surprise

On Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 8:03:19 PM UTC-5, Hank Rogers wrote:
> I remember buying moms
> cigarettes for 30 cents or less, and later, when I was old enough to
> drive, gasoline was about 25 cents.

I remember my brother sending me to the store about 4 or 5 doors down and
buying cigarettes for him for 25¢ and him complaining when they went up
to 30¢ per pack.
> That's how life was then, and I didn't have a problem with it, and I
> still don't today.

Me, neither.
> We were never forced to eat anything, but if we didn't want the food we
> could walk away. Sometimes, if I wasn't very hungry, I would only eat
> till I was full. We were never punished for that.

Here, it was "if you don't like what's on the table you can leave." But
no coming back later and prowling in the kitchen for something to eat.