"jmcquown" wrote in message ...
On 9/26/2018 12:36 PM, Ophelia wrote:
> "jmcquown" wrote in message ...
> On 9/26/2018 4:48 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "graham" wrote in message news
>> On 2018-09-25 3:13 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>> On Tue 25 Sep 2018 01:59:36p, Pamela told us...
>>>> On 02:16 25 Sep 2018, jay wrote:
>>>>> On 9/24/18 5:34 PM, rosie wrote:
>>>>>> Yesterday, i spent most of the day making two large pans of
>>>>>> lasagna, one for us, and one for the really nice people at
>>>>>> PHYSICAL THERAPY. It was delicious, they loved it and so did we
>>>>>> !
>>>>>> Rosie
>>>>> I love love love lasagna! I even had a crawfish lasagna once in
>>>>> New Orleans that was super delicious! Nice that you take care of
>>>>> your PT folks!
>>>>> jay
>>>> I love lasagna as much as the next woman and perhaps more but I
>>>> draw the line at having one with crayfish.
>>> I've had lasagne in a restaurant that was made with lobster and had
>>> a bechamel sauce. It was quite good. No tomato products inolved.
>> It has become a xmas tradition for me to make a seafood lasagne for my
>> d-i-l that we eat on xmas night (not eve). It contains shrimp,
>> scallops and sole and lots of cream:-) My d-i-l has Crohn's and is
>> susceptible to dairy but this recipe is so good that she is willing to
>> suffer. It is an Anne Willan recipe and was printed here a couple of
>> years ago.
>> Graham
>> ==
>> Please share it?
> I could forward the recipe to you if you have Adobe pdf reader. I saved
> it. It sounds delicious!
> Jill
> ==
> I think I can read pdf files. Will you try please? 
I will! Let me know if it works, please.
It works very well! Thank you
