On Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 12:34:34 PM UTC-5, Cheri wrote:
> "Gary" > wrote in message ....
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> I look at him and find the thought of being in bed with him gaggingly
> >> repulsive!
> >
> > No offense but look at his wife. Odds are he would find YOU
> > gaggingly repulsive in his bed too. 
> I love all the arm chair analyses of their marriage, as if anybody knows
> what goes on in their marriage except the POTUS and FLOTUS. That goes for
> all of the presidents, wives, children etc.
> Cheri
Most people can easily pick up on "body language" and that's very indicative, like when Drumpf walked in front of Queen Elizabeth until she reigned him in with her stinkeye look!!
The oaf has NO politeness training! my mother taught me respect for females once when she came to see an elementary school play I was in about Mozart. My part was a male dancer for a Mozart Waltz and I operated the record player (old school AV!) And in the play after the dance we dancers filed off stage two by two and I was SO intent on stopping the record player that I crossed IN FRONT of the little girl I had been danging with! (Got the record stopped though!)
And after the play my mother told me that was very rude of me, to cross in front of the girl, but that I should crossed BEHIND her!!
My mommy raised me to be a gentleman, if nothing else.
John Kuthe...