Nancy Young wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> > IMHO 18% is rather high anyway.
> > I thought the average was 15% for good service,
> That's a little low, anymore, but whatever is okay by you. Well,
> lower than 15 is not okay for normal service, but you get what I
> mean.
> Besides, the difference between 15 and 18 is usually not worth
> quibbling about, if you do the math.
> What's interesting to me is that there is an assumption that if there
> is a gratuity already added in, the waitstaff will not perform as
> professionals and do their job. Whenever I've been in that situation,
> they run around like crazy trying to make sure everyone has their
> beverage/dinner/whatever. Just because they wait for a living does
> not make them slackers.
Yup...the wait folks I know work very hard to earn a living, as do many
bartenders I know (there are exceptions natcherly...). Physically it's hard
being on one's feet all day, even if young and hale 'n hearty...and putting
up with all the crap that a public contact job entails. I couldn't do it.
More often I've noticed my co-diners are
> more annoying than anything.
This seems to be a general trend...
OT - ish but there's a little Saturday farmer's market in the school playlot
around the corner. Sometimes they have a petting zoo/pony rides for the
kids. When they have the petting zoo they have a "no dogs" rule for the
farmer's market, as dogs might upset the animals and vv. Well whaddya know
here comes Mr & Mrs Yuppie with their double - wide stroller and Golden
Retriever in tow. Ms. Entitlment tries to plead and argue her dog's way in,
then gets busy on the cell phone calling "the city" (yeah, on Saturday
morning lol). What a load. And there's a place to tie up yer dog and they
have water and gratis treats for the pooches, too's not like they're
casting the dogs adrift or something.
People these daze...
Greg "she didn't get in..."