"Brice" wrote in message ...
On Mon, 1 Oct 2018 14:57:16 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>"GM" wrote in message
>notbob wrote:
>> We're all old geezers!
>> BTW, "geezer" is anyone old enough to have seen a live Edsel, in the
>> wild,
>> or even knows what that means!
>> I did not know Ed was that old. I am too, and with what everyone
>> seems to say, we all are. Perhaps that's why we still hang. Nothing
>> better to do. 8|
>"Geezer" is a state of mind, I know peeps in their 20's that are
>"geezers"...Ed and some others here are very vital and active, others,
>I was recently trying to explain to some young 'uns what "phone service"
>in the "old days", e.g. that Bell had a monopoly, you rented your phone
>Bell, and phone service was very expensive, that many waited until Sunday
>night to make long - distance calls, etc....some of them looked pretty
>Then I mentioned about listening to my grandfather describing the wonders
>the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, about seeing electric light for the first
>time, the Ferris Wheel, etc., and that this was the first time he traveled
>(from downstate Illinois) more than a very few miles from his isolated
>Buffalo Prairie IL farmstead....
>I closed by saying that in a few decades *they* will be telling incredulous
>younger folk about life back in the 2010's...back in the mists of memory
>ANYWAYS, this gets back a bit to that "nostalgia" thing a bit that we
>discussed in an earlier thread...
>My first car was a Morris Minor Traveller
I learned to drive in that!
>have had many cars since them and I have forgotten many of them, but I will
>never forget that one
Very cool car. Not exactly minor either

My first car was a Vauxhall

) Not something I've ever had!