On Monday, October 1, 2018 at 12:06:54 PM UTC-10, cshenk wrote:
> LOL!
> On Waikiki though, I did enjoy that area but kept it as 'somethng
> special' rather than going there too often and getting jaded over it.
> In the 3 years there, I think we went 4 times (one was a free room for
> our honeymoon when I got Sailor of the Quarter and it was part of the
> gift pack).
The younger generation likes to trek to Waikiki. Older folks tend to stay away. The problem is that driving in and out of there is a hassle. Finding parking is a major hassle. OTOH, if we were staying at a hotel, that would be fine with me. We can walk around the place without worrying about parking in a setting where nobody knows our name. We could eat some pretty awesome food there too.