Kevin S. Wilson wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Sep 2004 21:07:17 GMT, "Jack Curry" <Jack-Curry deletethis
>> wrote:
>>> Mmmmmmmm... did I marinate them or rub them? I don't know...
>> Marinub or Rubinate, take your pick.
> Those neologisms don't exactly trip off the tongue. The last one
> sounds like it describes a bumpkin in deep thought.
And "Marinub" sounds like a one-legged sailor's stump. Neither were offered
with serious intent.
> I don't see the confusion here.
Confusion? I don't think anyone's really confused, though I realize that
as a wordsmith, you are more deeply concerned with technically correct
definitions than I am.
> A brushing with olive oil doesn't make a marinade, at least not in my
> book.
OK by me. And your definitions were interesting.
Jack Curry