On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 10:16:45 +1100, FMurtz > wrote:
>jmcquown wrote:
>> On 10/5/2018 12:08 PM, wrote:
>>> On Friday, October 5, 2018 at 9:46:32 AM UTC-5, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>>>> On Fri 05 Oct 2018 02:02:08a, FMurtz told us...
>>>>> What about removing fat from pork roast and giving a burst in
>>>>> microwave to remove moisture then replacing on roast before slow
>>>>> cooking?
>>>> Why would you do that?
>>> I don't understand the question about "remove moisture."* Doesn't make
>>> sense to me.
>> No one would want to remove moisture from a pork roast.* The most common
>> complaint about modern day pork is it has been bred to be too lean.
>> Jill
>Only the rind, not the meat. Read up on crackling they all say to dry
>the skin.
Which cut of pork are you refering to... I roast bone on center cut
pork loin all the time, I've never heard about drying nor have I ever
and it turns out perfect every time. At holiday time I roast fresh
ham, again I've never heard of drying and turns out perfectly
succulant every time. WTF would anyone want to dry fresh meat... it
dries as it roasts... sometimes to keep roasts moist I tent with foil.
Some pork cuts are naturally lean like boneless loin, then it helps to
tie on a fat cap or add lardons. Rubbing with a coat of olive oil
adds moisture too. Also roast at a lower heat, like 340ºF rather than
375ºF. Another trick with pork is to roast it while half frozen...
learned that and other tricks from a huge bosomed Puerto Rican woman.
Dolores Sanchez had boobs to die for but unfortunately she was too
into born again.