Beet season
On 10/7/2018 5:44 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2018-10-07 3:24 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> My mother and grandmother always made pickled beets, enough to last
>> out the year.Â* My mother sometimes made Harard Beets that I really
>> liked, especially as a kid.
> My son never had beets when he was a kid. I had no problem with them,
> but my wife hates them. It is one of theÂ* few things she will not eat.
> So I was surprised to discover when my son moved back this way that he
> had developed a taste for pickled beets.Â* He loves them.
Never cared for regular beets, but my wife makes a simple salad with
pickled beets I like. Drain the juice, then just add some onion, olive
oil, oregano.