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>>Nancy Young writes:
>>Do you disagree with me? This refrigerator with a built in tv.
>>I can just see it now, the tv breaks, you have to get someone in to
>>fix it for like $1000, then the next time, they don't make that any
>>more and no tv will fit into the opening so you're screwed. Never
>>mind how much room does it take out of the refrigerator compartment?

>A flat screen tv wouldn't take up any interior room... but what point is
>to a tv built into the fridge... I'd much rather have a stand alone small
>screen tv, then I can place it wherever.

In our 50's house (sort of like on the Dick Van Dyke Show) the south wall of
the kitchen is open to the hall that opens to the dining room. The guy we
bought the house from built in a spot for a 13 inch tv in the hall so we can
watch it from the kitchen table or I can have it on when I cook. When I'm
doing something tedious to prepare a meal the tv helps, as I can catch the news
or something.

It really surprised me that our friend recently got a tv in her kitchen. In
years I had never seen a tv in her house and thought she didn't watch tv. She
is a longterm-vegetarian-harpist-Boulder-type.

Each to their own, but I like my kitchen tv.

> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
>"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."