"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> She still doesn't like other people or dogs. We had a workman in today
> and she acted like she would like to rip off his leg. He was really nice
> to her too
> She can't bear for us to be apart and if we are at opposite ends of the
> house she runs between us. I just hope we outlive her, or I can't begin
> to think how she would be. The other rescues we have had, would have
> managed ok, but not Poppy
Annie does not like other dogs and is leery of strangers coming in, but we
usually put her in her crate until she becomes accustomed to them being
there, like workmen etc. When the flooring man was putting new flooring in
the bathroom, he kept coming back and bugging her, trying to pet her etc.
She finally nipped him, and he still came back, until I finally said JUST