"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 10/11/2018 7:17 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Tue, 09 Oct 2018 19:58:00 -0400, wrote:
>>>> Every year I buy some bags of candy but for the past ten years no
>>>> trick or treaters have shown up so this year I've bought no candy and
>>>> won't be bothering with answering my doorbell and I'm sure no one will
>>>> show up.
>>>> Halloween has died.
>>> If you just turn out your porch light, nobody will come. I used to
>>> just leave the house every Halloween but realized that unnecessary.
>>> -sw
>> Not an option for me. My house is lighted all across the front and the
>> lights come on at dusk. Can't turn them off.
> That's a goofy arrangement. Are you talking about solar-charged
> (decorative) lighting? I have some of those by my driveway but they don't
> light up the house. They turn themselves off about 5 hours later. They
> aren't a "porch light".
No. These are recessed lights up in the soffit. There are six of them. Two
near the garage, one on either side of the door and two near the end
bedroom. There is a switch to turn off those by the bedroom but no others. I
would have to say these are porch lights because they are on the porch.