"PGarcia" > wrote in message
> Hello All,
> Pretty much what the subject says. Currently renovating the yard and
> planning on building a barbecue island/bar.
> Looking at a natural gas grill. Budget is somewhat limited, max of
> $1,000 (turns out building the bar and connecting utilities gets
> expensive!). As far as features, mainly looking for a decent grill.
> I don't care about a side burner. Rotisserie motor + burner would be
> nice. Not sure if I would use a wood smoker.
> I saw this one at Sam's Club:
> http://www.samsclub.com/eclub/main_s...38467%3A776286
> This grill has the infrared burner (the rotisserie motor itself is
> extra) and a wood smoker+dedicated low BTU burner
> What should I look for?
The built-in is more expensive, but they should last your life time.
Check out
www.mhpgrills.com for some of the best grills and some ideas on
built ins. Fire Magic has been around for a long time. I'm not sure if
they have an Infra-red rotisserie.
You'll be living with your decision for a long time so shop around and