Dog3 wrote:
> zxcvbob > :
>>Dog3 wrote:
>>>Now, some of the neighborhood bars and restaurants I went to in the
>>>old neighborhood welcomed pooches. On any give Friday night you
>>>would see me at the 34 Club and sitting on either side of me were my
>>>dearly departed Scotties. We'd sit at the bar, they with water, me
>>>with martini. I loved to watch the tourists walk in and stand back.
>>>Dogs all over the place.
>>That sounds kind of morbid. Maybe I read it wrong...
>>Best regards, ;-)
> It wasn't morbid. It was fun. Still is. I have no idea how the owner gets
> by the inspectors though.
> Michael
[I hate having to explain a joke] At least the "deary departed Scotties"
probably didn't drink much.
Taxidermically, ;;-)