Question about Saran Quick Covers
Does any one purchase Saran Quick Covers? These are the plastic covers with
stretchable edges that sort of resemble a shower cap. I really like the
Quick Covers as they can accommodate and cover odd shaped containers.
I have been buying these covers for several years. My supply is low and I
have been looking for them for the past month. I have checked in all the
places I have purchased them before and I can't find anyone that still
carries them. I checked with the Saran web site and they say they are
still producing the Quick Covers. I live in the St. Louis County area and
I have looked in several Walmart stores, a Target and many local grocery
stores and no one carries these covers any more. The Saran site does not
have a place to ask a question about where they can be purchased and they
just say that they can be bought all over the US in grocery, discount and
drug stores. Has anyone been success finding these at a specific store
recently? I guess I could spend time on the phone calling all around, but I
don't want to do that. I have found a few places on the net the sell the
Quick covers, but there is quite a bit of shipping charges for these very
lightweight covers.
Any one found them at a store recently?