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Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a

Siobhan Perricone wrote:

> I'm concluding that you'd like to learn a better way to search google for
> this, rather than just having me give you a link to the thread in question
> so I'm going to tell you how I found it and let you find the link yourself.

Oh, yes! I should have made that clear. I was asking for help on how
to find the information for myself. I know better than to ask someone
to google for me. I'd be ripped to bloody shreds. (I can take it, but
this group does tend to be more vicious than some others.) (This isn't
to say that I'll never ask for this sort of help again. I can be slow
learning technology type skills.)

> I went to google, then went into groups, then went into advanced groups
> search. In the field: Find messages: with all of the words I entered
> favorite dip recipe (no quote marks). I told it to sort by date, and to
> show 100 messages. Then I put into the Newsgroup: Return
> only messages from the newsgroup field. Then I went down to message dates
> and selected from 1 Jan 2004 to today. If you think it was in the last
> month or so, you could narrow it down even more, but using this criteria
> got a hit on the thread. It was the 17th item down on the first page.

I followed your instructions exactly and found it within seconds. Thanks!

I've taken a job working part time in a wine and cheese shop. I'll
start next week. The owner wants to sell dips that we make up in the
back and has asked me to research the recipes. I have the most general
cooking experience so I know I can do it, but I've never cared for dip
much myself. I've made the odd hummus or tzatziki over the years, but
don't exactly have tons of experience making them, experimenting,
tweaking the recipes. Maybe that's because I'm more likely to entertain
with full sit-down dinner parties that lend themselves more to salads
and dressings than cocktails that lend themselves to finger food with
dip. That's why I remembered the thread but hadn't paid much attention
to it at the time as far as printing out the recipes. Now all of a
sudden the information is vital. I found thousands of recipes on the
web, but these are tried and true ones.

As I get working, I'll be reporting back with news of how the shop goes,
what the customers like, what sells. I should be learning a lot about
wine. I hope to print out recipes for the customers with wine
suggestions to go with the meals.

So thanks again for the help. It was a saver.
