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Default Salt

On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 19:53:48 +0100, Pamela >

>On 19:48 16 Oct 2018, Wayne Boatwright > wrote
>in 15.223:
>> On Tue 16 Oct 2018 04:43:47a, Pamela told us...
>>> On 23:47 15 Oct 2018, notbob > wrote in
>>> :
>>>> I been watching a show about a girl who "thinks she knows", so
>>>> made a documentary. It's a four parter and the host is some
>>>> Iranian girl who travels the globe in search of answers. It's
>>>> called Fat Salt Acid Heat.
>>>> It's kinda informative. For instance, Japan has a shop that
>>>> tries to sell Japan's 4,000 kinds of salt! Who knew?
>>>> Back home, in Berkeley, CA, she goes to the Berkeley Bowl, and
>>>> talks about fresh produce. She even talks about BB's salt
>>>> selection.
>>>> Now appearing on Netflix.
>>>> nb --not affiliated
>>> People can spend their money on Himalayan salt and suchlike but I
>>> wouldn't.

>> The only salts I buy apart from ordinary table salt are coarse Kosher
>> salt, pickling salt, and coarse French sea salt. None are very
>> expensive, but they all serve a purpose for my use.

>I sometimes buy a salt with a lot of potassium in or alternatively one with

Which salt to use needs to be discussed with one's doctor, especially
sea salt which can interact with several Rx drugs. Sea salt is not
purified, it contains whatever polutins are in the water where
harvested, including the contents of discarded condoms... ingesting
sea salt means you are sucking infinite dicks and swallowing... it
figures faggots love sea salt.