On 2018-10-16 3:09 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 10/16/2018 3:36 PM, Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> On Tue 16 Oct 2018 07:51:25a, Dave Smith told us...
>>> On 2018-10-15 11:03 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> On 10/15/2018 7:00 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> I don't consider myself to be anti milk. It is just anti milk
>>>>> for me.Â* I never liked it. The taste was not disgusting, it is
>>>>> just that it when down my throat like slimy phlegm and then gave
>>>>> me gas and diarrhea. It turned me off the stuff. I use in in
>>>>> cooking and on cereal, but it just doesn't appeal as something
>>>>> to drink.
>>>> If drinking milk gives you gas and diarrhea I'd say you're
>>>> lactose intolerant.
>>> Yep. I guess I am. I just didn't know about lactose intolerance
>>> for a long time.Â* I just had this association with drinking milk
>>> and the discomfort it always caused me and developed an aversion
>>> to it. I don't dislike the taste of milk. I just can't think of it
>>> as something to drink.
>> I am not lactose interant but I can't stand the taste of milk, except
>> for buttermilk.Â* I also like just about every other form of dairy
>> product.Â* I do cook with milk, but never drink it.
> Conversely, I can't stand the taste of buttermilk and can't imagine
> drinking it! 
> Jill
OTOH, if I have some to hand, either liquid or powder, I add it to the
mix when I make chocolate cakes or sponges. It brings out the flavour.