On Wed, 17 Oct 2018 22:59:27 -0700, "Cheri" >
>"notbob" > wrote in message
>> On 10/17/2018 7:42 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> .....Despite decades of research on pot use....
>> There has NOT been "decades of research" cuz it's been illegal. Well, at
>> least in Canada and the USA.
>> Heh heh..... I smoked weed illegally, every day, fer 20 yrs. No problem.
>> I then quit fer 15 yrs. Moved to CO --who legalized it and I started
>> smoking it, again ...."HEY, IT'S LEGAL, PPL!-- and now I don't even get
>> high, anymore! 
>> nb
>I imagine big pharma has been researching it for decades for sure.
I think so too. They'd have opened a lab in Jamaica if they had to.