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Mario Stargard
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Mario Stargard wrote:
> Well I took the plunge and bought a Charbroil Sierra smoker this summer
> and have thoroughly read the FAQ and lurked on this group to get tips.
> I've done some great ribs, chicken, and even a pork shoulder.
> Here's a pictu
> Here's the issue: I've made some great barbecue using lump charcoal
> (Royal Oak brand) and have thrown soaked wood chips in for the smoke
> flavor. Then I got bold and got some hardwood to use in the smoker
> wanting to see what that was like. When using the lump, I have
> controlled the temperature with the in damper on the firebox and have
> left the stack damper wide open. My first try with the wood I made the
> mistake of trying to control the temperature the same way and the ribs I
> cooked tasted really bitter. The thing smoked like crazy during the
> cooking period. Next time around I tried keeping the fire small and
> leaving the in damper open more. The chicken only tasted slightly less
> bitter than the ribs. I'm using maple, cherry and hickory. And I'm
> warming the logs in the firebox off to the side.
> Any tips to help improve the situation? I'm thinking of sticking with
> the lump and adding the occasional piece of hardwood for some smoke.
> Many thanks, and I'm enjoying the group and the new hobby.
> Mario

Thanks to everyone for their tips -- it's made a difference. I think
the wood I was smoking with was too green yet. I made some chipotle
last week and it turned out great. I used the hickory which seemed a
lot drier than the maple or cherry. Also, I cut the pieces very small,
10"x1/2"x1" and used the oak lump as the primary source of heat.

Dana mentioned a pie plate baffle in the firebox. My offset looks a
little different from the picture I posted. The chimney enters in the
middle instead of at the top and the firebox has a limited baffle
already installed. I think the pie plate might further help to control
the internal temperature by keeping the radiant heat out of the cooking
chamber. Also, it's starting to get chilly here in Ottawa. Today it's
15C (59F). That'll mean I'll have to build a bigger fire to get the
same ambient heat, but I'll also need to deal with the extra radiant
heat. Pie plate sounds about right.

Many thanks,