Rec : Hot Fudge
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Rec : Hot Fudge
On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 20:56:26 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 17:55:14 -0700 (PDT),
>> On Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 6:44:34 PM UTC-5, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>> * This is awesome over some vanilla ice cream . In a straight sided 12
>>> oz coffee cup mix a half cup or so of regular sugar , a heaping teaspoon
>>> of cocoa , and a half tbsp of butter , a couple of drops of vanilla and
>>> enough water to make a paste just a little thinner than toothpaste .
>>> Nuke for about a minute and 15 , stirring frequently - it WILL boil over
>>> if you don't watch it ! When it's smooth and all the sugar has dissolved
>>> it's ready . If you got the mix right it will stiffen to a thick creamy
>>> consistency when it his the ice cream . Gooey and delicious !
>> Leave out the butter (and vanilla if you want to), add hot milk and you've
>> got hot chocolate to drink.
>Not 15 minutes ago I had a craving for chocolate milk (which is
>like, once every 15 years) and made a half-assed attempt at
>chocolate syrup for milk. I used about 2 TB of cocoa, a cup of
>sugar, a cup of water, and a ts of vanilla. I nuked the water to get
>the sugar and cocoa to dissolve. I'll be damned, it worked much
>better than half-assed. Didn't think about using milk instead of
>water, duh.
A bottle of Fox's U-Bet will keep longer than the pyramids. DUH
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