On 10/29/2018 7:49 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Oct 2018 19:21:51 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> I just didn't grow up with pies, ya' know? Doesn't matter to me what
>> the season. I've tasted cherry pie, apple pie, pumpkin pie, pecan pie,
>> peach pie. Just not a fan of dessert pies.
> The first pie I remember eating was pumpkin pie, and that's probably
> what traumatized me against eating pies ever again. All those
> "pumpkin pie spices" are quite an assault on a 5 year-old's taste
> buds (not unlike broccoli). And it doesn't help that the Pumpkin
> Pie Spice lobby gets bigger and stronger every year around this
> time.
> -sw
That may be the reason I don't care for it myself. There is a McCormick
spice blend (I recall from the 1960's and still selling) called "Pumpkin
Pie Spice".
My real aversion to it had to do with my first association with the
smell of a raw pumpkin. I got my first introduction to a pumpkin at
Halloween when I was 6. The teacher brought a pumpkin and a knife (I'm
not kidding) to class. She had the pumpkin on her desk under a sheet of
butcher paper (to cover her desk blotter). She cut the top off the
pumpkin, like a lid. All the while she was telling us this is how we
start to make a Jack-O-Lantern. Halloween! 1966.
She scraped the guts and seeds loose with the knife. Set the knife
aside. Then she had all of us line up and reach in and scoop out a
handful of the guts and seeds onto some newspaper. OMG. I thought I'd
puke. The smell!
It took me many many years to realize that was a cheap rotting pumpkin.
Cleaning out a fresh pumpkin is nothing like what assaulted my 6 year
old nose! OB Pie: I now know it was not a sugar pumpkin, which is what
should be used for fresh pumpkin pie. Or so I've heard.