On 11/2/2018 8:10 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/2/2018 5:42 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>> There was a shop at the mall serving halo-halo so I thought I'd better
>> try it. It's a concoction of sweetened beans, fruit, and gels, with
>> shaved ice, and a scoop of ube ice cream on top. The shaved ice was
>> topped with condensed milk. It's dangerous for someone like me to eat
>> something like this and predictably, it did not end well. OTOH,
>> sometimes you have to say "**** it" and just go for it. This was
>> pretty much something that had to be done so I have no regrets.
>> https://www.amazon.com/photos/share/...3tGW19O6Ej39Jc
> It certainly looks interesting.Â* Some of the ingredients sound a bit odd
> together but I'd try it.
I'm sorry, but I certainly wouldn't find anything interesting about it.
Then again, I don't eat junk food from mall food courts. Not even as a