"dsi1" wrote in message
> https://www.amazon.com/photos/share/...tjvTefiIzibILy
> ===
> Not something I've ever had, and I never will now I have seen that!!!
When we were in the UK I was surprised at the large number of KFCs there.
Most of them were not real KFCs. Instead, they were restaurants that liked
and used the initials "KFC." One company was so proud that it cooked its
chicken in a real kitchen so it called itself "Kitchen Fried Chicken." Yay!
I love that! In Amerika, the KFC nazis would SS any company that dared do
Yeah brave lot the Brits ;p I have only ever once gone into a fast food
place. A friend popped in to say he was passing through. He didn't have
enough time for me to cook so he suggested the local burger place. We went
and I asked for a filet of fish. I took ONE bite. It was full of gunk!!!
Never again!!
Btw we will be seeing the grands next week and I will cook Red Cooked Soy
Sauce Chicken. D usually likes it with cauli rice etc. What do you serve
with yours? ie (sides) ?