Reviving crystallized maple syrup?
On 2018-11-04 10:14 AM, graham wrote:
> On 2018-11-04 7:05 AM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 21:48:46 -0500, Terry Coombs >
>> wrote:
>>> On 11/3/2018 8:05 PM, graham wrote:
>>>> On 2018-11-03 4:57 PM, Terry Coombs wrote:
>>>>> Â*Â*Â*Please tell me you did NOT put your honey in the microwave ... that
>>>>> will kill all the beneficial properties of the honey .
>>>> Old wive's tale!
>>> Â*Â* OK , it's an old wives tale and we beekeepers know nothing about it
>>> .Â* You go right ahead and nuke your honey . Mine will never see temps
>>> above about a hundred degrees - the highest temp usually seen inside a
>>> hive . Oh wait , what you've got is probably not even real honey , but
>>> flavored corn syrup . Nuke away !
>> Most honey sold in the US is pasteurized, anyway. And filtered.
>> Besides, very few eat enough honey to make any nutritional difference
>> in diet, even if the enzymes, bee pollen, etc are still there.
> My point was that nuking (at low level) is no different to sitting the
> jar in hot water. Some seem to associate microwave radiation with nuclear.
I am still waiting to hear what health benefits we lose from heating the
honey. I realize that microwaving is different and can create little hot
pockets. I know that heat destroys the enzymes. I just don't know what
health benefits humans derive from eating a bee's enzymes.